As mentioned in my last post, I wrote a reply to the reply the Bobble company sent after my inquiry about the safety of their plastic for people with corn allergies. I told them that I had looked at the FAQ page and still did not find the answers I was looking for, and was merely wondering if there were any corn derivatives in their product. I made a point to mention that I was not interested in the exact composition of the plastic (to mask my intent to create the Boddle, which would be a sister company of Seasonal Celestials), and underlined the fact that I was concerned about corn allergies.
I got an email back and someone at customer service says that they will look into this and write me back as soon as they find an answer. This email was definitely more personal than the last and felt like it was actually written by a human being instead of being a reply they spit back to everyone who tries to contact them. I get the feeling that the customer service people are trying to answer the hundreds of emails they receive every day as efficiently as possible and simply memorize statements that will hopefully answer any questions. I got the same thing with Coconut Bliss (no news as of yet), so it seems like you have to break down that barrier and send more emails with very specific questions to get what you are looking for. I know this seems like common sense, but I've made sure in my emails to ask if products are safe for people with corn or other food allergies instead of just asking if there are any corn derivatives because this seems to set of a red flag and show that this is a priority question instead of just a flippant inquiry.
As usual, I will try and update any news I get from both Bobble and Coconut Bliss.
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